Portfolio > TV > Retratos do Mar (13×26′)
Teaser Retratos Do Mar from SoulFilmes on Vimeo.
Series that will show the daily life of foreign photographers recording the great surfers in Hawaii.
Especial Prodígios (01×26′)
Director: Rafael Rodrigues and Rodrigo Schmidt
Client: Canal OFF (Globosat)
Prancha e Pé de Pato (13×26′)
Director: Rafael Rodrigues
Beth Carvalho – A Madrinha do Samba (1×52′)
Client: Canal Bis (Globosat)
Já air!
Director: Gustavo Leite
Client: Nike
Sem Tempero Não Dá (08×26′)
Director: Luis Igreja
Client: Chef TV
Red Bull – Do Leme ao Pontal
Client: Red Bull